18 IBU
Strong Golden Ale = O.G. = 1.077
33.2 IBU*
The chest cooler is empty, so I have to get on that. I thought I would do the same thing I did when I brewed the Bohunk + Extra Challenger, which was to run off ten gallons of wort and then boil them separately. I am also going for a lower gravity beer for the lager this time (around 1.o54) instead of the typical 1.066 I have made of late. This should make it more sessionable, but also make it easier to add cane sugar to the smaller batch to make Strong Golden Ale. If the first gravity would have been too high, adding two pounds of cane sugar (around 20%) would have been a little much.
19.5 Lbs Pilsener Malt
2lbs Cane Sugar (SGA in boil)
.5 oz Sterlinf (7%AA) -- 60 min
.5 oz Mt Hood (6%AA) -- 15 min
Bavarian Lager Yeast (Wyeast)
Belgian Strong Golden Ale:
1 oz Willamette (4%AA) -- 60 minutes
.5 oz Sterling (7%AA) -- 15 minutes
Belgian Strong Yeast (Wyeast)
Brewday went off pretty well with the exception of the SGA coming in at 1.103 to start. After adding an additional gallon of water, it was back to 1.077, which is close to what I wanted. It seems as though I just added back a gallon of water that got boiled off. I calculated the recipe at 4 gallons, so everything may be as planned, just in an unconventional way. *IBUs may be a little off for this reason, but then again, maybe not.
I suppose it should also be noted that my mash temp was a little higher than I intended. This batch mashed between 150-154, and I was shooting for around 145. This may make the beer a little sweeter, and may result in the Strong Golden Ale to be called a Tripel.
Bavarian Lager Notes:
5.26.09 -- Gravity measured 1.032 which is not low enough to start a diacetyl rest. We are leaving to go to the beach for a week on Saturday. Had the following discussion on Beer Advocate. Since I pitched well over three quarts of fresh starter, I am not going to worry much about diacetyl. I will do a rest when I get home -- just in case, and then lager as normal.
6.6.09 -- Gravity measures 1.019. I turned up the temperature to around 60, and I hope I can get a few more points out of it. I am sure I can since it is only 68% attenuated at this point.
6.9.09 -- Racked into secondary and placed in the chest freezer. Gravity was down to 1.015, which is 75% attenuated and gives the beer an ABV of 5.8%
6.30.09 -- Kegged
7.5.09 -- This beer is light and refreshing. Bavarian yeast is interesting compared to the Urquell that I have used so much in the past. I know I say it all the time, but I know this one will not last long at all. I know I will do something like this again, but I may play with the hop profile a little. I may be getting a little tired of Sterling and Mt. Hood.
Strong Golden Ale Notes:
6.6.09 -- Gravity reads 1.007, which is surprising. This will make the ABV a little above 9.
6.9.09 -- Racked into three gallon carboy and put in chest freezer. Dropping the temp over the course of the next couple days on the way to 34 degrees.
6.30.09 -- Primed to carbonate at 4 volumes and bottled. I am glad I saved so many thick bottles.
7.21.09 -- I got nervous about the possibility of solvent-like flavors, so I opened one of these up to try. While I think they could use a little more time to get the CO2 dissolved in the beer, the beer is most excellent. It is very light bodied, the spicyness of the yeast comes through well, the color is bright, and the finish is as dry as I wanted it. I am very pleased, and dare I say it is very similar to Duvel? I will have to try them side by side.
3.7.12 -- Filled out a BJCP scoresheet for this beer: HERE
1 comment:
Stumbled across your blog while looking for info on Belgian strong golden ales. I just brewed a strong golden ale similar in O.G. to yours - used a little more sugar and less pils malt. I'm shooting for a dry finish like yours and would like to find out if you did anything special during fermentation. (BTW, I used WLP570 rather than the Wyeast, but that shouldn't make much difference.) Thanks.
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